Thursday, April 22, 2010

Snow Peak Titanium Plate

Snow Peak always shows great attention to build quality and weight. While Snow Peak charges a high price for their wares I usually do not regret buying high quality items. The titanium plate I purchased over a year ago might be the only Snow Peak purchase I regret. Snow Peak delivered on quality and ultralight weight. The price is not even as bad as usual. My issue with this plate is where it fits in on my gear list. If I am going strict ultralight I am just eating out of my pot. If I need to serve more people than myself one person can eat out the pot and one from the lid. If I really need to have a separate serving dish I bring a bowl which is more versatile. In my past year of ownership I have used the titanium plate infrequently.

This plate cleans easy, is great to look at, and is very light (2oz). Be sure to have a thick layer of material between the plate and your lap because heat goes right through.

For those of you that must have a plate for the backcountry this is your go to product. In my humble opinion a bowl is more practical. Snow Peak does offer a titianum bowl which is lighter. I cannot however recommend it without trying it myself.

Performance: 8.5
Quality: 9
Weight: 9
Price: 6
Tilt: 5

Total: 7.5

REI $15.95, 2oz.

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